Malaysia and Singapur

format Malaysia - aaa 0000
format Singapur - aa(a) 0000 a
usual: symbol - white, background - black
taxi: symbol - black, background - white
diplomatic: symbol - white, background - red

region - first letter:

W - Kuala Lumpur
A - Perak
B - Selangor
C - Pahang
D - Kelantan
J - Johor
K - Kedah
M - Malaka
N - N. Sembilan
P - Penang
R - Perlis
S - Singapur
T - Terengganu

Embassies and Consulates
Road distance
Photo from Malaysia
© Goryushin Andrey, 2006.

license plate from Selangor
license plate from police KL
old license plate from Singapur
license plate from Kedah
license plate from Kuala Lumpur
license plate Johor
license plate from Selangor
license plate, type the manufacturer

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